Colette Miller

It is an honor and privilege to work for the LORD's kingdom within Marjorie Lou Ministries and Kingdom Purpose Life. In my corner of the Kingdom, I plan on sharing insights, thoughts, and topics relative to our time/season, as well as prayers and supplications as our LORD leads. My hope is to brighten your day, provide fun facts, and open God's Word so that you may apply it to your every day.

Esther’s Stand

  Queen Esther’s adversary Haman was second in command beneath the king himself.  He even wore the king’s very own signet ring.  This man was methodically killing all the Jews within the king’s providences.  The life of Esther’s people, her Uncle Mordecai and even her own life were in danger.   How could she stop

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Mordecai Moment

  The story of Esther is power filled and inspiring.  Ponder this a bit.  A young Hebrew woman chosen to be queen of a nation that actively persecuted and slaughtered her own people.  She had no real power.  Her position was very precarious.  Her title of queen only meant she was married to the ruler,

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    The leaves all around the northern hemisphere have exploded into vibrant autumnal hues. These leaves are accented by magnificent sweeps of breath-takingly gorgeous sunsets. This is a time to reflect on God’s continued creations and promises reflected all around us.   We are reminded in Psalms 19:1 NKJV,   “The heavens declare the

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