


The leaves all around the northern hemisphere have exploded into vibrant autumnal hues. These leaves are accented by magnificent sweeps of breath-takingly gorgeous sunsets. This is a time to reflect on God’s continued creations and promises reflected all around us.


We are reminded in Psalms 19:1 NKJV,


“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.”


Fall can also put greater demands on our time: children back to school, school functions, teacher’s meetings, last minute school projects with supplies (which inevitably are needed tomorrow), Fall Festivals, holidays on the near horizon, and of course, raking up those beautiful fallen leaves. These all get added to our normal daily time consumers:  work, menus, groceries, laundry, housekeeping, self-care (if you have a spare minute), and if you are blessed – your spouse. Starting to sound familiar?


Ok, so now draw your shoulders back down from your earlobes, and rotate them a couple of times.


Here’s your homework:  DON’T GET NERVOUS – IT’S EASY. Go outside and breath in that cool crisp air, or take a sunset walk to enjoy God’s symphony of colors. Listen to the rhythmic crunching of leaves beneath your steps. Let Yahweh, our creator God wash over you, and allow Jehovah Shalom bring you peace.


With love from your Sister in Christ

Picture of Colette Miller

Colette Miller

It is an honor and privilege to work for the LORD's kingdom within Marjorie Lou Ministries and Kingdom Purpose Life. In my corner of the Kingdom, I plan on sharing insights, thoughts, and topics relative to our time/season, as well as prayers and supplications as our LORD leads. My hope is to brighten your day, provide fun facts, and open God's Word so that you may apply it to your every day.

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