World Gone Crazy

Have you looked at the news lately and thought, “That’s just crazy!”


  • Cargo (supplies for our needs) prevented from entering port.
  • Pipelines and fuel flow shutdown (another pipeline shut down at the time of this writing).
  • Good solid loyal workers dishonorably fired all at once.
  • People who protest by burning down businesses and killing people hailed as peaceful and bailed out by politicians – while those quietly marching in protest are guilty of insurrection and inhumanely held.
  • One side of an issue is criminalized and censored while the other side runs amuck.
  • Science published in medical journals is called conspiracy theory while unsupported claims are called science.
  • What is good is called evil while evil is praised as good.


Has the world gone crazy?  Well, it really depends on your perspective.


If you think we are dealing with rational reasonable people who want solid solutions to better our country and our people, then nothing makes any sense whatsoever.  You ask yourself how they can be so stupid.


If you realize we have been taken over by a communist coup who intends to bring us under submission to an oppressive regime that controls every aspect of your life, then everything that is happening makes perfect sense.  The brilliance of their tactics are revealed in how well they are working.


Only a person with the Spirit of God can see the total perspective.  Behind the veil, Lucifer is on the attack of anything good, pure, righteous.  Our country is not perfect, but it was birthed out of Truth, the Word, Jesus Christ.  And that reflects in who we are as a people.  Lucifer has every reason to want it destroyed.


Yes.  Destroyed.


This country is literally in the fight for its life.  The Christians are the ones who can make the difference.  The only one who defeats Lucifer is Jesus Christ Himself.  We as Christians are His body.  We do His work.  By His strategies.  We stand firm until the end.  Armored.  Sword in hand (Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God).  Listening.  Obeying.  Defeating.


So the church is the only answer for our country and the world.  If we forget who we are, destruction is sure.  We must stand firm, remembering that light overcomes darkness and that we inhabit a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.


There is an ordained time when Lucifer will own this world totally and overcome the saints.  Do we give up because this may be the time “ordained” by God?  To the contrary, there is nowhere in scripture that tells us to ever stop resisting Lucifer.  Even to the end.


This is a time of honor for those who will stand firm.  Serve your King.  Forget about the world’s troubles and just listen for the voice of your King.  He will operate through His yielded ones.


This is your call to the battlefield.  To stand for the Truth this country represents to the world.  Will you heed the call of your King?



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Picture of Marjorie Lou

Marjorie Lou

Best-selling Author and Speaker with a tenacious desire to empower Christians in the Word of God through dynamic speaking engagements, retreats, and various writing venues.

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