Mordecai Moment


The story of Esther is power filled and inspiring.  Ponder this a bit.  A young Hebrew woman chosen to be queen of a nation that actively persecuted and slaughtered her own people.  She had no real power.  Her position was very precarious.  Her title of queen only meant she was married to the ruler, the king.  She wasn’t even allow to be in court unless called upon to appear. If she were to just show up, she could be put to death.  She must have felt indescribably mortified by the plight of her people.


But God had her in the right place for a time such as this.  She was to be God’s instrument, but only by putting her own life on the line.  She needed help. Then Mordecai told them to answer to Esther,


Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?'” 

Esther 4:13-14   


It was Mordecai that challenged her to step out in faith, to be bold; and yes, risk her very life.


So we might not be ‘the Esther’ at this moment in God’s story at this time, but I pray that we each in our own way may have our Mordecai moment. When God places us in the right place at the right moment to be HIS instrument to encourage someone else to complete HIS will, and we heed that call?


I challenge all of you to read Esther’s story and ask God for your Mordecai moment, or even greater… to take Esther’s Stand.


From your Sister in Christ Jesus.


God bless and keep you all.


Read more about Esther’s Stand here

Picture of Colette Miller

Colette Miller

It is an honor and privilege to work for the LORD's kingdom within Marjorie Lou Ministries and Kingdom Purpose Life. In my corner of the Kingdom, I plan on sharing insights, thoughts, and topics relative to our time/season, as well as prayers and supplications as our LORD leads. My hope is to brighten your day, provide fun facts, and open God's Word so that you may apply it to your every day.

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