Injured Shoulder Healed

One hot summer day a friend dropped by for a visit.  It took no time for my husband and me to realize he had something wrong with his shoulder.  He sheepishly shared about his recent trip to a skating rink where the kid in him just had to don a pair of skates and give it a go with the rest of the (younger) group.  He enjoyed the nostalgic moment reminiscent of his youth.  That is, until the big spill left him with an injured and frozen shoulder to remind him that he is not quite the young man that he used to be.  This man was suffering with a great amount of pain and virtually no range of motion.


I began to share with him God’s earnest desire to heal him.  After some time in scriptures, I asked if my husband and I could lay hands on him for healing.  He obviously felt reservation about it, but did agree to let us pray.


After we prayed, he politely thanked us and was ready to move on to another topic in conversation.  I startled him with my next statement, “Raise your arm and see God’s healing!”  He looked at me suspiciously, but as he began to raise his arm, the uncertainty transformed to surprise as his arm now had 50% mobility.  Surprise turned to great joy as he realized the pain was also gone!


I surprised him further when I asked, “Can you lift it higher?”  No, 50% of motion was all he had.  I responded, “My God is not a God of half way!” and we went back to praying.  After this session, he was able to raise his hand and arm straight up!  His injured shoulder was perfectly healed!


I know this man attends a church that teaches healing is not for today.  But God healed him right there standing in our front yard. The testimony cannot be denied.   I can only imagine what the conversation must have been like the next Sunday at church.  Let the truth of God’s glory be revealed!


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Picture of Marjorie Lou

Marjorie Lou

Best-selling Author and Speaker with a tenacious desire to empower Christians in the Word of God through dynamic speaking engagements, retreats, and various writing venues.

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