Christian Prepper Series

Many have asked me about Christians prepping for potential disruptions of normal society.  Should Christians prepare by stocking up on food supplies?  How should Christians respond to the potential of war?  I sought the Lord on the subject, and have now established priorities based on this seeking.  My answers can be found within the posts of this teaching series entitled the Christian Prepper Series.  It’s not what you expect!


Here we go again!  Wars and rumors of wars abound, especially when it comes to America and the West.  It has been a long time since we endured the treacherousness of war on our own shores; therefore, many have been lulled into believing it could never happen here.


Then comes the news reports concerning China, Russia and the Middle East.  Americans once again consider the possibility of war on our shores, perhaps even nuclear.  China is making moves across the globe, including threats to our shores.  I have no desire to discuss the probabilities, pros and cons, or the who-is-to-blame game.  Bantering conversations abound on other internet sites and social media platforms, enough to fill our bellies and our brains to the brim with conspiracies and possibilities.


My intention is to look at the situation from a Kingdom perspective.  I intend to divert your attention away from the chattering news and toward the One Who holds the future.  If you seek Jesus Christ for what you are to do, you will be properly prepared should anything break forth, or for any situation the future may hold.


The Issue of Christian Prepping


Prepping is a relatively new word in our English language.  Twenty years ago, when it was just beginning to show up on the scene, it was a hushed sort of word reserved for secretive conversations only with people who would not scoff at the sound of it.  Most people thought of prepping as a bizarre “run out and buy a bomb shelter” term for those purporting or believing crazy conspiracy theories.  Today the term has become much more mainstream, as evidenced by the popularity of the prepper reality shows that television producers developed.  The government has substantiated prepping by encouraging citizens to store up items to have on hand for emergency situations and have provided checklists of products to acquire.


The Christian community seems to have mixed thoughts about the idea of prepping.  I have witnessed many eruptions of argument, both for prepping and against it, by well-meaning Christians.  More and more tend to follow the trend by storing items they may need should a catastrophic event strike.  Others are not quite sure if it is really what God wants.  After all, it costs time and money, and no one wants to waste either of those two precious resources.


Many have asked my opinion about Christian prepping.  I spent time seeking the Lord on the subject, and have now established priorities based on the outcome of this seeking. What the Lord revealed to me can be found within the posts of this teaching series entitled the Christian Prepper Series.


You may find that the things on my list are much more valuable than the things on your list.  My items never expire, and I can share with others without fear of running out.  But beware!  My items will be very hard to obtain after war begins!  Now is the time to prepare – like a Christian!  You must read the Christian Prepper Series today!


A Christian Response to WW3

Trust God

Know God’s Voice

God’s Authority

Know Your Weapon



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Picture of Marjorie Lou

Marjorie Lou

Best-selling Author and Speaker with a tenacious desire to empower Christians in the Word of God through dynamic speaking engagements, retreats, and various writing venues.

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