Christian Prepper Provision # 4 – Know Your Weapon


(This article is part of a series.  To return to the beginning, click here)


You have been preparing for crisis by filling the warehouse of your heart with provisions critical to survival in wartime.  Physical provisions such as food, water, and other essentials necessary to sustain life are important, but physical provisions are only partially helpful.  They are easy to steal, deteriorate, and may need to be abandoned.  You can spend all your time and money saving such items, only to be left just as destitute in a crisis as if you never stocked them.  The items we are stocking are much more crucial for survival, cannot be stolen, and you can take them with you where ever you go.


In a time of trouble, there is nothing more critical for your protection than your weapon.  With it, you can stop or deter the enemy from attacking and protect what is yours.  But in order for your weapon to be a truly useful tool, you must know your weapon – backwards and forwards, inside and out.


New military recruits receive much training with their weapon in bootcamp.  They use it, clean it, take it apart, and reassemble it – over and over and over again.  Why?  So that they are so familiar with it, they can wield it in battle with no thought of it at all.  They know it so well that it is almost like a part of them.  When responding to orders, a soldier obeys, thinking only of the task at hand – not thinking, “How does this thing work?”  or, “How do I load these bullets?”  To flounder with your weapon while in battle is to endanger your life and the lives of your comrades.


A recruit who is not diligent in weapon training will be of no good use to his commanding officers.  To the contrary, he will be a hindrance to higher authority as he will not be reliable to be called upon for missions and tasks.

 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.  Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

Ephesians 6:12-17


You have been issued your weapon for battle.  It is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.   But what good is that weapon if you don’t know how to use it?  Like the soldier recruits, you must know your weapon.  You need to work with it, break it down, understand it, and then aim it precisely at the enemy’s forehead.  Now, while in bootcamp, is the safe time to store it up in the warehouse of your heart, and practice using it – shooting practice rounds (speaking it out until you are comfortable with it) and shooting it at the enemy (speaking it out when the enemy attacks) until you know your weapon without even thinking about it.


Christian Prepper Provision #4

Know your Weapon.  You are full of the Word of God and know it at a deep level so that when the enemy attacks you know how to use it without thinking about it or feeling awkward with it.  You are not afraid or ashamed to use it in front of anyone. Ever. You use it to tear down the enemy strongholds and to build up people for His name’s sake.  With it God can use you to heal, mend broken hearts, strengthen his soldiers, and stop the enemy cold.

Provision #1

Provision #2

Provision #3


Your Bible can be taken out of your hands, but they can never take it out of your heart.  This is a critical element of your provisions.  It must be collected up over time.  Once a crisis begins, there will be little time to store up the Word of God.  Now is the time to tuck it away in your heart – a strongbox that cannot be broken into or stolen away.  Little by little, fill your warehouse full of this ammunition so powerful that the enemy cannot withstand it.  Practice using it.  Point it at the enemy now, in the little things.  Build your faith by seeing how powerful it really is.  Then you will be prepared if a day of war comes and you must rely on it in the big things.


Once you know your weapon, you will be well on your way to having a perfectly stocked warehouse.


This is a series of posts designed to prepare the Christian for the possibility of global war, as well as for the war we call “life.”  Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you receive notifications when new content is published.


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Marjorie Lou

Best-selling Author and Speaker with a tenacious desire to empower Christians in the Word of God through dynamic speaking engagements, retreats, and various writing venues.

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