Real Life for the New Creation


Once I became a new creation in Christ, the process of transformation began to be exhibited.  In the post Tarrying for Transformation, I established that the process of renewing the mind is what transforms outward actions and behaviors over a period of time.


Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.   James 1:4 


I suspect this process to be ongoing, yet Paul did reach a point he could say, “I have fought the good fight.  I have finished the race.”  (II Timothy 4:7)  It implies an idea of completion.


I safely say I am no where near completion, yet I have seen major changes that I know are the new creation – Christ in me – because they contradict my old self.  For instance, if anyone would challenge me or argue with me, my old self immediately went to “fight and protect” mode with an outward behavior of arguing or verbally contending to prove my position or opinion.  I would set my opponent straight with a serious tongue-lashing!


Quite to my surprise, a lady at church once became very angry with me and loudly challenged me over several issues  In this instance she was misinformed and had most of her facts either skewed or totally incorrect.  As she humiliated me with this outburst, within my heart welled up an intense concern for her for the anguish obviously overtaking her.  I had no concern for correcting her except where it would alleviate her pain.  Every outward action that manifested out of me was rooted in this love for her.  My heart’s desire was to discover how I could ease her suffering.


For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.     Matthew 12:34


With this inward leading of the Spirit (It couldn’t be me – I’m not prone to quiet selfless responses) my outward behavior was to answer her with a soft voice offering to correct whatever I had done to make her so angry, expressing my regret that I had caused her such grief.  From my heart I truly did not want to be the cause of her distress, and the incorrectness of her perceptions was irrelevant.  We proceeded to quietly talk out the issues she had and resolve them best we could.


As amazed as I was at my own reaction to the situation I had been presented with,  I was even more astonished as I pondered the event over the days and weeks that followed.  My old self would have spent countless moments replaying the event in my mind, reliving the hurt and the anger, with resentment growing day after day with every rehearsed memory.  This time was different.  As I replayed the event in my mind, I was praising God for the truth of His Word and the power of that Word put into action within His people.  Because I had a new heart that had loved my opponent instead of protecting and proving myself, I spent those days rehearsing the faithfulness of God and day by day my faith expanded as I enjoyed – and even today still relish – the exceeding great joy this extraordinary memory brings.


This is real life in the Kingdom of God and I would not trade it for any pleasure the world has to offer!  Nothing entices me beyond what my heavenly Father bountifully gifts me with each day.  I have a pile of examples such as the one described here and truly the joy of walking in the Lord and His rest exceeds all else.  The enemy means to cause separation and division within the Kingdom of God in his plan to kill, steal and destroy.  (John 10:10)  Jesus came so that we would have life, and life more abundantly. (John 10:10)  Walk in his Kingdom, renew your mind in His Word, and you will be enthused with the transformation you begin to see in yourself being done by the work of His hand.


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Marjorie Lou

Best-selling Author and Speaker with a tenacious desire to empower Christians in the Word of God through dynamic speaking engagements, retreats, and various writing venues.

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