Perceptional Change



How do you view your Christian walk as compared to the joy, peace, and fulfillment of how God truly wants you to live out life in Him?


Consider this:


Everyone would agree our days consist of 24 hours give or take a millisecond or two. Part of that day is dark and then we see the sun shining and giving forth it’s light. So I ask, how many hours of the day is that? Maybe half the time, so like 12 hours. Does it depend on the time of year? Is it different in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere? All of these questions/answers could be right.


But let’s broaden our perception, and perhaps you may already be ahead of me….


The sun shines 24 hours a day (all the time) ever since God spoke the sun into existence. It even radiates it’s light during an eclipse. Now I’m no astrophysicist, but I think the only time a sun stops shining is after it goes supernova, or maybe gets enveloped by a black hole.


Many Christians perceive their Christian walk by a self-restrictive measure of time or duty. (Watch your toes now, if they get stepped on, please don’t get mad. Simply consider it an area that could use some attention. Can I look in the mirror right now, and see my own reflection.)


But if we perceive our walk as:


  • I’m good.
  • I go to church on Sunday.
  • I pray before my meals.
  • I’m born again.
  • I believe in Jesus as my Savior.
  • So I’m set.


But GOD has availed to us to be and do so much more. To accomplish this, we must seek first His kingdom (Matthew 6:33) and delight ourselves in the Lord (Psalms 37:3-5). Side note, delight here means to be pliable, to be soft, to be conformed or molded into Christ’s likeness. Jesus put on limits on his day in which he would spend doing the Father’s work while he walked among us.


So the next time you catch yourself thinking, “I only have an hour today” for Bible study, prayer, helping others, ministry work, or even praise, remember, Jesus is asking for our whole day. He wants our thoughts every waking moment with a willingness to be in Him and do His bidding all throughout the day.  Just like the sun – always there, always shining whether you can see it or not.


OK, easily said. But how?


Just start.  Start today.  Give Jesus, your Lord and Savior, just a little more of that 24 hours of time.  Be ready when He asks of you.  And set aside your busy life to accomplish all He places before you.  It is an honor in the Kingdom to be called upon by the King.  You just take it one moment at a time. 


Picture of Colette Miller

Colette Miller

It is an honor and privilege to work for the LORD's kingdom within Marjorie Lou Ministries and Kingdom Purpose Life. In my corner of the Kingdom, I plan on sharing insights, thoughts, and topics relative to our time/season, as well as prayers and supplications as our LORD leads. My hope is to brighten your day, provide fun facts, and open God's Word so that you may apply it to your every day.

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