Natural vs Supernatural



I believe the first key truth you must understand so that you can strengthen your spiritual muscles is the most important key of all.  As a matter of fact, this truth is the key to unlocking all the other truths we will look at.


The first key truth is as follows:


The natural world in which we live is only a small piece of all reality.  



There is a lot happening all around you.  Radio waves, television transmissions, weather radars, WIFI, and short wave radio waves (to name a few) surround you this very moment.  Stop, be still and listen – can you perceive them?  Can you tell that they are there?  No.  You cannot detect any of these things with your five senses.  Yet you only need to tune in the proper device to prove the reality of their existence.  Tune in your favorite Christian station and listen to the music.  Why can you hear it?  Because radio waves are in the room with you.  The radio receives the waves and translates them for your listening pleasure.


Just like the radio waves, there is more going on around you than you can perceive with your five senses.  This is what is meant by the term supernatural – above and beyond the natural, or outside the boundaries of the natural perceivable realm.




We humans perceive everything according to the confinement of three dimensions


Height.   Width.   Depth.


Three dimensions


Did you know that scientists claim to have proven nine dimensions?  Additionally, they claim to be working on proving number ten!  I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around this!  I cannot understand or imagine anything beyond height, width and depth!


If it were true that nine or ten dimensions exist but we can only perceive three of them, this would clearly indicate that we can only perceive one third of all reality.  Two thirds of all reality we can in no way detect.  I imagine that (knowing our God) there might be hundreds of dimensions beyond our ability to perceive.  As you consider these possibilities, you must question yourself as to just how much you really do “know.” Perhaps what humans know is a mere “drop in the bucket” of all truth!


Whew!  Mind boggling to think about too long.


As overwhelming as these thoughts may be, I can quickly figure out this one thing.  In these multiple dimensions beyond the three we perceive with our five senses, there exists great and wonderful things we are unable to detect.  For instance, angels assigned to minister to us help even though we don’t realize they are near.  In like manner, dangers lay in these hidden dimensions with orders to kill, steal and destroy.


Most Truth Lays Beyond Our Understanding


Everything that we can detect with our five senses and perceive in three dimensions is what we refer to as “natural.”  Everything outside of that experience is referred to as “supernatural.”


The primary reason most Christians struggle in their walk with Christ is that they try to understand everything in the Bible in the confinements of the limited human experience.  Once you understand that most all of reality lays outside of what humans perceive with the mind or can process with logic or intellect, you will begin to:


  • Understand certain scriptures at a different, deeper level
  • Cling to Jesus and His Word as your only strength and source of hope
  • See promises in God’s Word finally become true in your life


Once you realize that there is a lot out there that you cannot perceive and dangers abound beyond that veil of understanding, your value of the Word of God will skyrocket, because the Word tells you what to do in every situation in life to keep you safe and protected.  You will realize those promises of protection and provision are real – and very necessary.    Questions you asked previously will suddenly have answers.


As example, why does Jesus tell us to love our enemies?  From human reasoning it would seem Jesus is just trying to make things difficult for Christians, perhaps to test us or something.  Doesn’t it make more sense for humans to set our enemies straight and give them what they really deserve?  From a human standpoint (or in other words, in the natural) it does make sense. But Jesus is not confined to human reasoning.  He knows supernatural truth from beyond the veil and sees the enemy is not the nasty human who mistreats you, but the real enemy is the principalities of the air that are using this human to do their evil bidding.  Jesus also knows in the supernatural that if you respond with hate, the principality of the air will win a battle, but if you go against that human nature and follow His Word instead, He can accomplish things behind that veil through the power of love.


You see, every decision you make, every response you have to a situation, every comment you give will either be based on the natural or the supernatural.  You will follow human intellect, emotions and logic


– or –


you will follow Jesus Christ.


There is no mixing of the two.  Natural or supernatural – this is the choice.


Your Next Step


In order to build spiritual strength from this truth, you must take action.  Here are a few recommendations:


1)  Take this to the Lord and spend time asking Him about this truth.  Let Him reveal to you what it all means.  Reread it several times.


2)  Read the following scriptures and see if they have new meaning to you.  Ask the Lord to show you what His heart was when He ordained these words to be recorded.  Ask Him to show you what they mean for your life.


  1. Ephesians 6:10-12
  2. 2 Kings 6:15-17
  3. Luke 6:27-28
  4. 1 Corinthians 6:6-7


Ready to go to the next key?  Proceed to Key #2!


For more on this subject, read the Book Becoming a Powerful Christian by Marjorie Lou available in the shop or on Amazon here

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Marjorie Lou

Best-selling Author and Speaker with a tenacious desire to empower Christians in the Word of God through dynamic speaking engagements, retreats, and various writing venues.

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