One of my greatest pleasures is when my son climbs in my lap for some snuggle time. Never mind the fact that he is now twelve years old! I love every minute of it!
One morning when he was eleven, just as we were finishing up our “church time,” Sean apparently had an early childhood flashback. As I am sitting in my wing-back chair, he suddenly jumps onto one of my knees and begins riding it like a horse! After about 3 jumps, we all heard the loud cracking sound that came from my knee. He jumped off quickly, but the damage was already done. Pain came pouring in like a flood over the affected area and I could not move it. Immediately my daughter (thirteen at the time) laid her hand on that knee and began to pray over it. Her quick actions woke me from my initial shock and I joined with her, as did my son.
Within about 5 minutes all the pain was gone and the knee was functioning perfectly! I got out of that chair and went about the business of the day. No doctor visits. No medications. No tests. Just Jesus. What a powerful God we serve! How much He loves us and cares for our every need!