Christian Maturity



Have you ever wanted someone who could help you get a check on how you are maturing in Jesus Christ?  The following articles were designed to do just that.  Originally, Marjorie Lou wrote these as she was working out her own maturity and the Lord graciously showed her some issues both in herself and in the church.  The word church here does not refer to Marjorie’s personal congregation that she attends with her family, rather it means the body of Christ as a whole.  These articles are in no way exclusive of all that has been on Marjorie’s heart concerning the maturing process, but they do paint a picture of a moment in time during Marjorie’s own personal development.  We hope you find them helpful to your maturing process by giving you some things to think about and take to the Lord for yourself.  We believe it will be eye-opening for you. (The “eyes of your understanding,” that is! Ephesians 1:18)

 …until we all attain to the unity of the faith …

Have you ever noticed those among us who have so …

I have walked in churches for decades now and talked with …

Once I became a new creation in Christ, the process …

O.K., so we know that we are a new creation …