Beware! Obstacles to Maturity in Christ


Have you ever noticed those among us who have so much understanding of the Word of God that it leaves you with a sense of wonder at how much they perceive?  We all know at least one or two whom we fellowship with at some level that exude such confidence that we know is beyond human ability.  There is no question that the eyes of their understanding have been opened (Ephesians 1:18) and they walk in truth fully prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within them with gentleness and respect.  (I Peter 3:15)


When I am around such people there rises in me an inward calling, “I want that!  I desire to know as much and be able to reflect His attributes as well as these people do!”  But how?  How do you mature to such a point?  And why are we not yet to that place?


All of us who name the Name of Christ desire maturity in our walk.  Yet for most in our churches it seems elusive, at times even unobtainable.  If you are among those who feel this way, I want to encourage you that God’s earnest desire is for you to be perfected in your faith (Hebrews 12:2) and He gives us His Holy Spirit to assist us in the process (John 16:13)


There are, however, a few barriers to be aware of.


  1.  “You Cannot Bear Them Now”


I believe we all understand that maturing is a process requiring time.  Jesus is the perfecter and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) so we must abide in Him (John 8:31) and by abiding in Him it means we abide in the Word of God because Jesus is the Word (John 1:1,14).  Seeing the branches of the vine bearing fruit (John 15:4) is a function of time.


Just before His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was talking with his disciples, teaching them for the last earthly time.  During this conversation, He made this extraordinary statement, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”  (John 16:12)  After 3 years of walking with Jesus, being trained by Him, experiencing first-hand His miracles and doing many miracles of their own, there was more that Jesus’ heart yearned to share with them but they were not yet mature enough to receive it.  This is a great encouragement to me knowing that the more I grow in maturity, the more Jesus has to share with me!


2.  Not Yielded


This is such a big area for the great majority of us.  We all have areas that we have yielded to our Master but rare few of us have surrendered ourselves in every area of our lives.  For us to be ready to “bear” what Jesus has to reveal to us, we must be fully yielded to Him.  Each time we surrender another area, He begins revealing more.


3.  Man’s Traditions


While correcting the Pharisee’s in Matthew 15:6, Jesus made this ominous statement, “…for the sake of your traditions you have made void the Word of God.”  The traditions that have been created by man (and are simply nowhere to be found in the Word) are a tremendous stumbling block to the body of Christ today.  I have seen instance after instance of churches pushing aside truth for the sake of “how it’s supposed to be done” and the casualties in the wake are foreboding.


Churches or individuals insisting on doing things the way they want prevent the Holy Spirit from “leading into all truth” (John 16:13).  The maturing process is thwarted and the result is a religious house build by the hands of man, built in vain.  (Psalm 127:1)


I encourage you, abide in His Word.  Dwell there.  Yield yourself, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to interpret the Word to you.  (I Corinthians 2:10,13)  He will begin to open the eyes of your understanding and reveal the deeper meaning of the scriptures to you.  And when the Word conflicts with the way you think things should be, yield to the Word.


There is nothing more amazing than maturing in the Word of God.  When you are ready, click here to take a look at a few more issues that can be a hindrance to your maturity.


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More Posts about Christian Maturity – Click Here


Picture of Marjorie Lou

Marjorie Lou

Best-selling Author and Speaker with a tenacious desire to empower Christians in the Word of God through dynamic speaking engagements, retreats, and various writing venues.

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