Christian Prepper Provision #1 – Trust God


(This article is part of a series.  To return to the beginning, click here)


In a time of war, things immediately change.  Nothing is the same as it was before.  Households are disrupted.  Businesses are effected.   The news continuously spews headline after headline of recent events and preposterous possibilities.  People’s nerves begin to frazzle as worry for the country and for loved ones slowly mounts.  Talk is plentiful, whether truth or not is no matter, as everyone feels an insatiable need to know what is going on. What could I have done to prepare for war ahead of time?  What is going to happen next?  Should I have listened to that crazy Christian prepper guy after all?


In time, fear sets in, patience wears thin, and emotions begin to rise.  Decisions must be made and actions implemented.  How will you know what to do for your family?  How can you know the right thing to do?  The anxiety increases as pressure mounts.


Under such pressure, you begin to realize it is too late to ask such questions, because the opportunities to prepare no longer exist.  The time for action is before war begins.  If you prepare early, you alleviate much of the duress created by decision making in the heat of the moment.   The time is now for you to become a Christian Prepper.


What is a Christian Prepper?


What is a prepper?  It is someone who prepares ahead of time for a future event, usually referring to difficult times when food and other provisions become scarce.  Thousands of articles, books and posts exist on prepping.  But we want to be a Christian prepper, so what things must we as Christians think ahead to store up for future use in a time of trouble?


Lets begin filling the storehouse of our heart with Christian prepper essentials.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6


If you want to be a Christian prepper, knowing this portion of scripture is crucial to survival in a time of war or strife.  But to pull out your Bible when the missiles start flying and begin reading Philippians will not likely take away your anxiety or prove helpful to you.  At least not right away.   Why?  Because this scripture is telling us we need to have so much trust in God that we know – deeply know – that God cares for us, knows our troubles, and earnestly desires for us to be protected and provided for.  It means we trust God so much that we feel no anxiety over the things we bring to Him in prayer.  We trust He sees our petitions, understands the best answer to the problem, and will answer according to what is best for us – even if the answer is not what we expected.  This is a deep level of trust.


We learned that taking off the old man and putting on the new man takes a time of transition (Ephesians 4:22-24).  In similar fashion, building deep trust takes a great deal of time.  There must be time spent in the Word of God, reading it, studying it, abiding in it until the truth of it begins to penetrate past the barrier created by the logical thinking part of your mind and can get down deep into your spirit.  The logical thinking part of your mind can only trust at a human level – the level where much analyzing and thinking takes place.  To trust so deeply that all anxiety is gone requires a supernatural level of trust.  This is the level where trust in God supersedes all your best thinking and analyzing.


Do you trust God at this level today?  Or do you need to spend time with God, letting Him reveal Himself in His Word as you abide there.  The trust will come as you spend time with Him.


Christian Prepper Provision #1


So here is the first provision you as a Christian prepper must ensure you have stored up for a time of war.


You trust God so much that – when the headlines announce war, rockets fly, and rumors are more plentiful than provisions – you will be anxious for nothing.  You will feel emotions, but those emotions will not dictate your decisions.  Instead, you will rest in your trust of God and respond according to the leading of His Spirit.


Let me assure you, this is not an item you can run out and acquire the day the news breaks.  This is an item that the Christian prepper must secure well ahead of time.  Once the events begin happening and emotions run high, you will find it most difficult to quiet your mind enough to soak in the Word.  No, by then fear and worry will rule over those who did not prepare ahead.  In the heat of the moment, when decisions must be made quickly and correctly, you must already have “trusting God in all things” in your arsenal.  Only Christian preppers –  those who have prepared themselves by spending large amounts of time in the Word – will be able to hear God and know the best actions to take.


Let the reality of this need sink in.  Take this issue to the Lord and ask Him if you should spend time on this provision.  You already know the answer.  Will you prioritize this today?


Keep reading to learn the next provision to add to your warehouse.



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This is a series of posts designed to prepare the Christian for the possibility of global war, as well as for the war we call “life.”  Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you receive notifications when new content is published.

Picture of Marjorie Lou

Marjorie Lou

Best-selling Author and Speaker with a tenacious desire to empower Christians in the Word of God through dynamic speaking engagements, retreats, and various writing venues.

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