Empowering Christians

Marjorie Lou Ministries
Welcome to Kingdom Purpose Life, where it is our passion to empower Christians to fulfill their calling in the Kingdom of God! With life so busy, it can be one of the greatest challenges for a Christian to keep their focus on Jesus Christ. Each of us knows we are to “seek ye first the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33) but for most of us, seeking God becomes the last thing on our list of things to do in the day. Even though the desire is strong to spend time with Jesus, the reality of dealing with the demands placed on us each day with family, work and home duties usually leaves us exhausted and frazzled. How can we possibly find time to read the Bible, pray and seek Jesus?
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About Marjorie Lou
A Message From Marjorie Lou
This was a perfect picture of my life. My day is completely full of demands the typical married-with-children woman faces each day such as meal prep/serving/cleanup, mountains of laundry, unending house cleaning, husband needs this, children need that – even the pets seem to be asking for things. Added to this, we homeschool, have a small business of which I am responsible for the administrative responsibilities and we live on a small farm chocked full of duties and needs.
Most days I can’t even seem to see past that pile of dirty dishes.
But I love Jesus and just want to spend time in the Word, praying and enjoying His presence. What a dilemma! No matter how hard I tried, I simply found that doing any of these was shoved to the back burner by the crisis of the day. I was too busy putting out fires in my life (meeting the immediate demands in front of me). The Things of God simply were not a priority in my life. I did not understand the Kingdom of God, or the critical part I play in His Kingdom.
Today, I can honestly say I spend great amounts of time reading and studying the Word of God, praying, worshiping and just enjoying His presence. It begins with an understanding of the difference between the natural world and the Kingdom of God. I have a Kingdom purpose to my life.
This means I understand my purpose in the Kingdom of God and am living my life to fulfill that purpose. That is my filter that everything in my life must pass through.
Nothing is more exhilarating, more thrilling, more adventurous than finding your purpose in Jesus and fulfilling that purpose in His Kingdom, then following that call above all else. It is my heart’s desire to share what I have learned, place tools in your hand, and encourage you in finding your “Kingdom eyes” and walking squarely in the Kingdom of God as you traverse this busy and demanding world.
Throughout the pages, posts and videos in this website, I will share what I have learned that formulated such a huge shift in how I live my life. And more importantly, how it has greatly affected the outcome of my life, as well as the lives of my children and my husband.
I have spent over 25 years as a Christian. But 17 years ago, a fire was lit in my soul that still burns brightly today. Though an entire decade of my Christian walk was squandered, God has redeemed the time and restored what the “locus have eaten” (Joel 2:25). I say this to encourage you, that whatever time may have been lost in your life, God will redeem if you will put the Kingdom first. The time to start is now. And by joining this community of Christian men and women you have the tools and the help you need to get God off the back burner and place Him right squarely in the forefront of your life!
By living your Kingdom Purpose Life, you will not only effect the outcome of your life, but of those you love and care for as well. Most importantly, you will change the world for the cause of Jesus Christ! Now, join me in becoming a person with a Kingdom Purpose!